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History of the PCW Tag Team Championship!

Perfect Balance (Moses Luke & The Big O) Win A Tag Team Battle Royale

July 10, 2003

Won: July 10th, 2003 - "Beat The Summer Heat" - Stratosphere Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Won A Tag Team Battle Royale

Lost: July 24th, 2003 to Team Dynasty (Chris Stevens & Ronnie Attitude)

Length: 14 days (3rd shortest - tied)

Team Dynasty (Chris Stevens & Ronnie Attitude) Defeats Perfect Balance

July 24, 2003

Won: July 24th, 2003 - Stratosphere Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Perfect Balance (Moses Luke & The Big O)

Lost: August 7th, 2003 to Perfect Balance

Length: 14 days (3rd shortest - tied)

Perfect Balance (Moses Luke & The Big O) Defeats The Dynasty

August 07, 2003

Won: August 7th, 2o03 - Stratosphere Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Dynasty (Chris Stevens & Ronnie Attitude)

Lost: September 18th, 2003 to "Showtime" Robby Royce & TJ Bratt

Length: 42 days (32nd longest - tied)

Cumulative Length: 56 days

"Showtime" Robby Royce & TJ Bratt Defeated Perfect Balance

September 18, 2003

Won: September 18th, 2003 - "Back To School Bash" - Stratosphere Nigthclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Perfect Balance (The Big O & Axe - Subbing For Injured Moses Luke)

Lost: October 30th, 2003 to Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio Jr

Length: 42 days (32nd longest - tied)

Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio Defeats "Showtime" Robby Royce & Alex Rain

October 30, 2003

Won: October 30th, 2003 - "Halloween Special" - Stratosphere Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated "Showtime" Robby Royce & Alex Rain (subbing for TJ Bratt)

Lost: March 25th, 2003 to Team Impact (Robby Royce & JP Kaos)

Length: 147 days (11th longest)

Team Impact ("Showtime" Robby Royce & "Enforcer" JP Kaos) Defeats Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio

March 26, 2004

Won: March 25th, 2004 - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio in 2 out of 3 Falls Match

Lost: May 27th, 2004 to The Whoresmen (Shawn Houston & Chris Raine)

Length: 63 days (24th longest - tied)

Cumulative Length: Royce: 105 days

The Whoresmen (Shaun Houston & Chris Raine) Defeated Team Impact (Robby Royce & JP Kaos)

May 27, 2004

Won: May 27th, 2004 - "Against All Odds" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated "Showtime" Robby Royce & "Enforcer" JP Kaos and Jon Cutler & Cisco Satanico - Triple Threat

Lost:  August 19th 2004 to the "Dream Team" (Kenny Omega & Rawskillz)

Length: 84 days (19th longest - tied)

Kenny Omega & Rawskillz Defeats The Whoresmen (Shaun Houston & Chris Raine

August 19, 2004

Won: August 19th, 2004 - "Beat The Summer Heat" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Whoresmen (Shaun Houston & Chris Raine)

Lost: September 30th, 2004 to The Whoresmen (Shaun Houston & Chris Raine)

Length: 42 days (32nd longest - tied)

The Whoresmen (Shaun Houston & Chris Raine) Defeats Kenny Omega & Rawskillz

September 30, 2004

Won: September 30th, 2004 - "Back To School Bash" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Kenny Omega & Rawskillz

Lost: March 3rd, 2005 to Rawskillz & Donnie Dicaprio

Length: 154 days (10th longest)

Cumulative Length: 238 days

Rawskillz & Donnie Dicaprio Defeated The Whoresmen (Shaun Houston & Chris Raine)

March 03, 2005

Won: March 3rd, 2005 - "3rd Anniversary Spectacular" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Shaun Houston & Chris Raine

Lost: June 16th, 2005 to Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum)

Length: 103 days (17th longest)

Cumulative Length: Rawskillz: 145 days

Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum) Defeats Rawskillz & Donnie Dicaprio

June 16, 2005

Won: June 16th, 2005 - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Rawskillz & Donnie Dicaprio and Barely Legal (Karisma & Klassic) - Triple Threat Match

Lost: August 4th, 2005 to Rawskillz & Chris Klassic

Length: 49 days (28th longest - tied)

Rawskillz & Chris Klassic Defeats Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum)

August 04, 2005

Won: August 4th, 2005 "Beat The Summer Heat" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum)

Lost: October 20th, 2005 to Mike Angels & Vinko

Length: 77 days (21st longest - tied)

Cumulative Length: Rawskillz: 222 days

Mike Angels & Vinko Defeated Rawskillz & Chris Klassic

October 20, 2005

Won: October 20th, 2005 - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Rawskillz & Chris Klassic and Moses Luke & Dark Chee - Three Way Dance Elimination Match

Lost: October 27th, 2005 to Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio

Length: 7 days (2nd shortest)

Cumulative Length: Mike Angels: 56 days

Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio Jr Defeats Mike Angels & Vinko

October 27, 2005

Won: October 27th, 2005 - "Halloween Special" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Mike Angels & Vinko

Lost: December 1st, 2005 to Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum)

Length: 35 days (34th longest)

Cumulative Length: 182 days

Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum) Defeats Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio

December 01, 2005

Won: December 1st, 2005 - "Revolution" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Mentallo & Antonio Scorpio

Lost: March 30th, 2006 to Law & Order (David Dixon & JP Kaos)

Length: 119 days (14th longest)

Cumulative Length: Angels: 175 days  -  Tatum: 168 days

Law & Order (David Dixon PI & "Enforcer" JP Kaos) Defeats Tag Sciences Faculty

March 30, 2006

Won: March 30th, 2006 - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum)

Lost: May 4th, 2006 to Shock & Awe (Danny Duggan & Donny Douglas)

Length: 35 days (34th longest - tied)

Cumulative Length: Kaos: 98 days

Shock & Awe (Danny Duggan & Donny Douglas) Defeated Law & Order (Dixon & Kaos)

May 04, 2006

Won: May 4th, 2006 - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Law & Order (Dave Dixon PI & "Enforcer" JP Kaos)

Lost: June 8th, 2006 to Team Impact (Robby Royce & Darren Dalton)

Length: 35 days (34th longest - tied)

Team Impact ("Showtime" Robby Royce & Darren "The Bomb" Dalton) Defeats Shock & Awe

June 08, 2006

Won: June 8th, 2006 - "Premier Cup" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Shock & Awe (Danny Duggan & Donny Duglas)

Lost: September 21st to Big Sexy Beasts (AJ Sanchez & Kevin Chevy)

Length: 105 days (16th longest)

Cumulative Length: Royce: 210 days

Big Sexy Beasts (Aj Sanchez & Kevin Chevy) Defeats Team Impact (Royce & Dalton)

September 21, 2006

Won: September 21st, 2006 - "Back To School Bash" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Team Impact and Law & Order and Adam Knight & Chris Marxwell and Kory Kinkade & The Homeboy and Bubbles McFly & JC Derksen - Canadian Six Pack Challenge

Lost: November 9th, 2006 - Stripped of championship due to Chevy being fired.

Length: 49 days (28th longest - tied)

Southern Comfort (Adam Knight & JP Kaos) Defeats Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM)

December 07, 2006

Won: December 7th, 2006 - "Revolution" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Team Impact ("Showtime" Robby Royce & ATM) - Total Anihilation Match

Lost: February 1st, 2007 to Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM)

Length: 56 days (25th longest - tied)

Cumulative Length: Kaos: 154 days


Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM) Defeats Southern Comfort (Knight & Kaos)

February 01, 2007

Won: February 1, 2007 - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Southern Comfort ("Outlaw" Adam Knight & "Enforcer" JP Kaos)

Lost: June 14th, 2007 - Stripped of championship when Team Impact Quit

Length: 133 days (13th longest)

Cumulative Length: Royce: 343 days

The Fabulous Creebirds (Kevin Chevy & Donny Douglas) Defeat Assisted Suicide (Rawskillz & Chad Tatum)

July 19, 2007

Won: July 19th, 2007 - "Boiling Point" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Assisted Suicide (Rawskillz & Chad Tatum) to win vacant championship

Lost: October 25th, 2007  to Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM)

Length: 98 days (16th longest)

Cumulative Length: Chevy: 147 days  -  Douglas: 133 days

Team Impact ("Showtime" Robby Royce & ATM) Defeats The Fabulus Creebirds (Chevy & Douglas)

October 25, 2007

Won: October 25th, 2007 - "Halloween Special" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Fabulous Creebirds (Kevin Chevy & Donny Douglas)

Lost: November 15th, 2007 to Antonio Scorpio & Nate Hardy

Length: 21 days (38th longest)

Cumulative Length: Royce: 364 days  -  ATM: 154 days

Antonio Scorpio & Nate Hardy Defeats Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM)

November 15, 2007

Won: November 15th, 2007 - "Unforgettable" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Team Impact, Fabulous Creebirds & Southern Comfort - Fatal Fourway Match

Lost: January 31st, 2007 t0 "Red Hot" Ryan Wood & "Mr Amazing" Shaun Houston

Length: 77 days (21st longest)

Cumulative Length: Scorpio: 259 days

"Red Hot" Ryan Wood & "Mr Amazing" Shaun Houston Defeats Antonio Scorpio & Nate Hardy

January 31, 2008

Won: January 31st, 2008 - "Rising Spirit: Enter The Dragon" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Antonio Scorpio & Nate Hardy

Lost: March 20th, 2008 to Darren "The Bomb" Dalton & Spyder

Length: 49 days (2th longest)

Cumulative Length: Houston: 287 days

Darren "The Bomb" Dalton & Spyder Defeats "Red Hot" Ryan Wood & "Mr Amazing" Shaun Houston

March 20, 2008

Won: March 20th, 2008 - "Culmination of Cool" - LID Nightclub - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Ryan Wood & Shaun Houston and Perfect Balance - Triple Threat Match

Lost: August 28th, 2008 - Vacated Championship Upon Retirement

Length: 161 days (9th longest)

Cumulative Length: Dalton: 266 days

Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM) Defeats Law & Order (Dave Dixon & JP Kaos)

August 28, 2008

Won: August 28th, 2008 - "Genesis" - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Law & Order (Dave Dixon & JP Kaos) for vacant championship

Lost: March 11th, 2009 to The Suicide Kings (Marty Labossier & Nate Hardy)

Length: 195 days (8th longest)

Cumulative Length: Royce: 559 days  -  ATM: 209 days

The Suicide Kings (Nate Hardy & Marty Labossier) Defeats Team Impact (Royce & ATM)

March 11, 2009

Won: March 11th, 2009 - "7th Anniversary Spectacular" - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM) - Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match

Lost: October 1st, 2009 to Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM)

Length: 204 days (7th longest)

Cumulative Length: Hardy: 281 days

Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM) Defeats The Suicide Kings (Marty Labossier & Nate Hardy)

October 01, 2009

Won: October 1st, 2009 - "Back To School Bash" - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Suicide Kings (Nate & Marty) and Kenny Omega & Donnie Dicaprio & El Generico & Kevin Steen - Fatal Four Way Match

Lost: November 5th, 2009 t Moses Luke & Sabertooth 

Length: 34 days (35th longest)

Cumulative Length: Royce: 593 days  -  ATM: 243 days


Moses Luke & Sabertooth Defeats Team Impact (Robby Royce & ATM)

November 05, 2009

Won: November 5th, 2009 - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Team Impact &Robby Royce & ATM) and Suicide Kings (Nate & Marty ) - Triple Threat Match

Lost: January 21st, 2010 to The Suicide Kings (Nate Hardy & Marty Labossier)

Length: 77 days (21st longest - tied)

Cumulative Length: Moses: 133 days

The Suicide Kings (Marty Labossier & Nate Hardy) Defeats Moses Luke & Sabertooth

January 21, 2010

Won: January 21st, 2010 - "New Years Knockout!" - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeats Moses Luke & Sabertooth

Lost: March 25th, 2010 to Remarkably Kaotic (Chris Marxwell & JP Kaos

Length: 63 days (24th longest)

Cumulative Length: Hardy: 344 days  -  Marty: 267 days

Remarkably Kaotic (Chris Marxwell & JP Kaos) Defeats Suicide Kings (Nate & Marty)

March 25, 2010

Won: March 25th, 2010 - "8th Anniversary Spectacular" - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Suicide Kings (Nate & Marty) and Moses Luke & Sabertooth - Triple Threat Match

Lost: June 17th, 2010 to The Seeds of Evil (EZ Ryder & Moses Luke)

Length: 84 days (19th longest - tied)

Cumulative Length: Kaos: 238 days

The Seeds of Evil (EZ Ryder & Moses Luke) Defeats Remarkably Kaotic (Marxwell & Kaos)

June 10, 2010

Won: June 10th, 2010 - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Remarkably Kaotic (Marxwell & Kaos) and Sabertooth & Jon Falcon - Triple Threat Match

Lost: October 7th, 2010 to MVP ("Playboy" Will Damon & "Vicious" Donnie Dicaprio)

Length: 112 days (15th longest)

Cumulative Length: Moses: 245 days

MVP ("Playboy" Will Damon & "Vicious" Donnie Dicaprio Defeats The Seeds of Evil (Moses Luke & EZ Ryder)

October 07, 2010

Won: October 7th, 2010 - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Seeds of Evil (Moses Luke & EZ Ryder)

Lost: July 14th, 2011 - Vacated Due To Injury

Length: 280 days (5th longest)

Cumulative Length: Dicaprio: 383 days

***INTERIM CHAMPIONS*** Southern Comfort (Knight & Kaos) Defeats Nate Hardy & Darien Karisma

May 19, 2011

Won: May 19th, 2011 - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Nate Hardy & Darien Karisma To Become PCW Interim Tag Team Champions

Lost: July 14th, 2011 to Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens

Length: 56 days (26th longest)

Cumulative Length: Kaos: 294 days  -  Knight: 112 days

The Experience (Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens) Defeats Southern Comfort (Kaos & Knight)

July 14, 2011

Won: July 14th, 2011 - "Boiling Point" - Dylans On Pembina - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated PCW Interim Tag Team Champions Southern Comfort and Tag Sciences Faculty - Triple Threat Match

Lost: February 23rd 2012 to Europe United

Length: 224 days (tied 6th longest)

Cumulative Length: Omega: 266 days  -  Stevens: 238 days

Europe United (Leo London & James Beaver) defeated Chris Stevens & Kenny Omega

February 23, 2012

Won: February 23rd 2012- "Thunderstruck" - Marquee Event Centre - Winnipeg, Mb

How: With Adam Knight, Defeated Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens & Antonio Scorpio in a Six Man Match

Lost: March 15th, 2012 to Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens

Length: 21 days


The Experience (Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens) defeated Europe United

March 15, 2012

Won: March 15th 2012 - "10th Anniversary Spectacular" - Marquee Event Centre - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Europe United, Jackie Lee & Cameron Cross, and Chad Tatum & Nate Hardy - Fatal Four Way

Lost: October 25th, 2012 to Mentallo & Tyler Colton

Length: 224 days (tied 6th longest)

Cumulative Length: Omega: 490 days  -  Stevens: 462 days

Mentallo & Tyler Colton Defeats The Experience (Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens)

October 25, 2012

Won: October 25th, 2012 - "Halloween Spectacular" - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Experience (Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens)

Lost: March 16th, 2013 to The Experience (Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens)

Length: 142 days (12th longest)

Cumulative Length: Mentallo: 324 days

The Experience (Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens) Defeats Mentallo & Tyler Colton

March 16, 2013

Won: March 16th, 2013 - "11th Anniversary Spectacular" - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Mentallo & Tyler Colton

Lost: March 16th, 2013 to The Old School Outlaws (Steve Corino & Adam Knight)

Length: 1.5 hours (***Shortest***)

Cumulative Length: Omega: 511 days & 1.5 hours  -  Stevens: 483 days & 1.5 hours

The Old School Outlaws (Adam Knight & Steve Corino) Defeats The Experience (Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens)

March 16, 2013

Won: March 16th, 2013 - "11th Anniversary Spectacular" - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Experience (Omega & Stevens) and Tag Sciences Faculty - Triple Threat Match

Lost: March 15th, 2014 to Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum)

Length: 364 days (3rd longest)

Cumulative Length: Knight: 476 days

Tag Sciences Faculty (Mike Angels & Chad Tatum) Defeats Old School Outlaws (Knight & Corino)

March 15, 2014

Won: March 15h, 2014 - "12th Anniversary Spectacular" - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The Old School Outlaws (Steve Corino & Adam Knight)

Lost: February 28th, 2015 to The London Dynasty

Length: 350 days (4th longest)

Cumulative Length: Angels: 525 days  -  Tatum: 518 days

The London Dynasty Defeats Chad Tatum & Jackie Lee

February 28, 2015

Won: February 28th, 2015 - "13th Anniversary Spectacular" - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Chad Tatum & Jackie Lee (subbing for Injured Mike Angels) and Kenny Omega & Chris Stevens - Triple Threat Match

Lost: October 3rd, 2015 to Team Flex Appeal

Length: 224 days (5th longest)

Team Flex Appeal (Mike McSugar & Michael Clark) Defeats The London Dynasty (Leo & David London)

October 03, 2015

Won: October 3rd, 2015 - "Back To School Bash" - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated London Dynasty (Leo & David London) to Unify PCW, HIW, Gold Dragon Tag Team Championship

Lost: March 31st 2017 - To Blaze n' Dick

Length: 545 days (***Longest***)

Blaze N' Dick (William Blaze & Richard Blood) Defeats Team Flex Appeal

March 31, 2017

Won: March 31st 2017 - 15th Anniversary Spectacular - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Team Flex Appeal - PCW vs CWA & RCW Tag Team Championship

Lost: October 27th, 2017 - To The London Dynasty

Length: 210 days

London Dynasty Defeats Blaze N' Dick

October 27, 2017

Won: October 27th 2017 - Hellbound - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Blaze & Dick and Moses Luke & JL Spiker - Triple Threat Match

Lost: October 27th 2017 to "Sweet" Bobby Schink (Golden Ticket)

Length: 3 minutes

Cumulative Length: 224 days, 3 minutes

"Sweet" Bobby Schink Defeats The London Dynasty

October 27, 2017

Won: October 27th 2017 - Hellbound - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The London Dynasty via Golden Ticket Cash In

Lost: March 10th 2018 To the London Dynasty

Length: 134 days

The London Dynasty Defeats "Sweet" Bobby Schink & Phil Deadly

March 10, 2018

Won: March 10th, 2018 - Giver Giver! - SVRSS - Swan River, Mb

How: Defeated"Sweet" Bobby Schink & Phil Deadly

Lost: March 24th 2018 to "Sweet" Bobby Schink & "Playboy" Will Damon

Length: 14 days

Cumulative Length: 238 days, 3 minutes

"Sweet" Bobby Schink & "Playboy" Will Damon beat The London Dynasty

March 24, 2018

Won: March 24th, 2018 - #Sweet16 Celebration - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated "The London Dynasty"

Lost: April 28th to the London Dynasty

Length: 35 days

Cumulative Length: Schink: 169 days 

London Dynasty defeats Bobby Schink & Ella Blake

April 28, 2018

Won: April 28th, 2018 - PCW's Thunderstruck - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated "Sweet" Bobby Schink & Ella Blake

Lost: Feb 15th, 2019 to Sweet & Tasty

Length: 293 days

Cumulative Length: 531 days & 3 minutes (4 reigns)

Sweet & Tasty Defeats The London Dynasty

February 15, 2019

Won: February 15th, 2019 -  PCW's Top Cock! - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated The London Dynasty!

Lost: Current

Length: 113 days

Cumulative: Schink: 282 days (3 reigns)

Team Impact defeats Sweet & Tasty

June 08, 2019

Won: June 8th 2019 -  PCW's Any Way You Want it! - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Sweet & tasty

Lost: June 13th to Sweet & Tasty

Length: 5 days

Cumulative:  Royce: 598 days  -  ATM: 248 days

***Record setting 5th Reign***

Sweet & Tasty Defeat Team Impact

June 13, 2019

Won: June 13th 2019 -  PCW's Bash at the Bluff 2! - Oak Bluff Rec Hall - Oak Bluff, Mb

How: Defeated Team Impact 

Lost: Dec. 7th, 2019

Length: 177 days

Cumulative: Schink: 459 days (4 reigns), Cole: 290 days (2 reigns)


JL Spiker & Kevin O'Doyle Defeats Sweet & Tasty

December 07, 2019

Won: Dec. 7th 2019 -  PCW's Season's Beatings! - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated Sweet & Tasty

Lost: January 18th, 2020

Length: 42 days


Stweet & Tasty defeat American Psychos

January 18, 2020

Won: Jan 18th, 2020 -  PCW's New Years Knockout! - Doubles Bar - Winnipeg, Mb

How: Defeated American Psychos

Lost: Incumbent

Length: Incumbent


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