Quest of the Best Begins, The Dynasty Goes on the Offensive & Ronnie’s Attitude gets Worse
December 20, 2002
Winnipeg, Mb – Premier Championship Wrestling presented another terrific show this past Thursday night, December 19th 2002 at the Stratosphere Nightclub. The Quest of the Best began with the huge over-the-top-rope battle royal to determine the number one seed in the eight man elimination tournament, The Dynasty began their attack on Commissioner Tom “The Man” Manos, Perfect Balance implodes and Ronnie Attitude continued to be an angry young man. Here it is, In Case You Missed It.
Two weeks ago, PCW Commissioner Tom “The Man” Manos, fed up with the Dynasty’s rulebreaking dominance of the company, took matters into his own hands by entering himself in the eight-man tag team elimination main event and pinning Dynasty leader and PCW vice president Michael Davidson. One week ago, Davidson and Dynasty member “The Mecca” Shane Madison vowed to ruin Manos’ life. This past Thursday, December 19th 2002, the show began when the 15-foot Stratos-tron came to live and revealed Davidson and Madison standing in front of the Holiday Inn Fort Richmond, the building attached to the Stratosphere Nightclub.
As they approached a beautiful new Windstar, Davidson explained that it was the Hotel’s new Shuttle Van and encouraged Madison to steal it. Breaking in and hotwiring the van, Madison sped off down Pembina Hwy. A few minutes later, the Stratos-tron revealed PCW vice resident and event host Andrew Shallcross entering the Commissioner’s office and explaining what had occurred. Manos was furious saying Davidson “was a dead man” if the van was missing.
Later in the show Madison and Davidson entered the ring to gloat about what they had done and showed off miscellaneous car parts as the only remnants of the $35,000 van. Davidson said the Dynasty was strong but Manos had been meeting with Chi Chi Cruz in an attempt to turn him against his partners. He went on to say the theft of the van was only the beginning and that Manos would regret ever crossing paths with the Dynasty.
That was not the end of the night for Madison as he had a match with “DieHard” Greg Romijn. After a grueling 15 minutes and one of Romijn’s best matches to date, Davidson interfered allowing Madison to hit the Tomakazi and score the pinfall. The ever arrogant Madison announced that if Cruz was in the building, he’d slap him out, but since he wasn’t, “The Mecca” challenged anyone in the back to come to the ring. A familiar accent cut through the sound system and unleashed a series of expletives and the crowd erupted as Pete Chee came through the curtain. Feeding off of the incredible ovation, Chee had Madison on the defensive before “The Mecca” left the ringside area and was counted out.
In other action, “Right Stuff” Ronnie Attitude confronted his tag team partner “Red Hot” Ryan Wood and blamed him for the fact that Attitude’s match with Mentallo would not be for the junior heavyweight title as Wood and won the championship by defeating Wood just last week. Attitude went on the say it was the Season of Sharing and wanted to carry the belt. Wood declined and Attitude began yelling and shoving his partner. Seemingly on the verge of an anger-induced mental breakdown, Attitude stormed off.
Later, Attitude defeated Mentallo with the assistance his partner Wood, which only angered him further as Ronnie believes he is the rightful title holder.
The melt down of Perfect Balance seems complete as partners The Big O and Moses Luke nearly came to blows several times during the night. Fed up, Moses Luke informed his partner that he demanded respect and challenged him to a one-on-one match for next week.
The Quest of the Best began with the huge battle Royal to determine the number one seed in the eight-man single elimination tournament to be held at the Stratosphere January 2nd 2003.
The entrants were as follows:
Mike Angels
Moses Luke
Dean Richtor
“Red Hot” Ryan Wood
Pete Chee
The Big O
“Right Stuff” Ronnie Attitude
“Vicious” Donnie Dicaprio
“The Mecca” Shane Madison
“Diehard” Greg Romijn
“The Karaoke Cowboy” Adam Knight
The end of the battle royal came down to “The Mecca” Shane Madison and “Vicious” Donnie Dicaprio with Dicaprio throwing Madison over the top rope to earn the victory. Dicaprio is now the number one seed in the Road to Glory eight-man single elimination tournament to be held January 2nd 2003.
Here is the rest of what you missed:
Mike Angles beat Moses Luke… Rawskillz pinned Dean Richtor… “Right Stuff” Ronnie Attitude defeated Mentallo… PCW Junior Heavyweight Champion “Red Hot” Ryan Wood retained the title with his win over The Big O… “The Mecca” Shane Madison beat “Diehard” Greg Romijn… Pete Chee beat Madison by count-out… “Vicious” Donnie Dicaprio won the battle royal.
PCW presents the biggest Boxing Day bash in the Peg next Thursday, December 26th only at the Stratosphere!
Visit for details!