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"The Barber"

San Francisco, California - 274 lbs - 6'3"


PCW Debut:  March 3rd, 2002 - Winnipeg, Manitoba

PCW Results: 

March 3rd, 2002 - No Contest vs The Honky Tonk Man - "Commencement of Cool"

March 5th, 2002 - w/Honky Tonk Man defeated Shane Madison & Donny Dicaprio 

March 6th, 2002 - defeated Honky Tonk Man - Brandon, Mb

November 22nd, 2013 - defeated Zack Mercury - Winnipeg, Mb


Signature Moves: Sleeperhold, Atomic Drop, High Knee


PCW Notes:

Drew 1750+ fans to PCW's Inaugural Event "Commencement of Cool"

Cut the hair of PCW Founders Andrew Shallcross & Mike Davidson

Headlined Charity Event "Cutt Cancer" for PCW in 2013


Notable Distinctions:

WWE World Tag Team Championship w/Greg Valentine

Struts & Cuts







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