Winnipeg, Manitoba - 195 lbs - 5'9"
Trainer: Don Callis
Pro Debut: August 11th, 1999 (River City Wrestling)
PCW Debut: January 26th, 2002 - Minnedosa, Manitoba - w/Will Damon defeated Perfect Balance (Moses Luke & The Big O)
Signature Moves: Crippler Crossface, German Suppler, Lat Spread
Affiliations: MVP, The Elite Squad, The Kenny Omega Experience
Notable Distinctions:
PCW Hall of Fame (2019)
PCW Tag Team Championship (2X) (w/Rawskillz, w/Will Damon)
Black Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
Manitoba Grappling Submission Championship (7X)
Canadian National Grappling Gold Medal (2010)
Unites States National Grappling Silver Medal (2010)
Midwest Grappling Challenge Championship (3X)
Professional Mixed Martial Arts Record 2-1
Maintained Training Camps in Winnipeg & Tokyo
TRCW Tag Team Championship (2x) (w/Will Damon)
Canadian Unified Junior Heavyweight Championship (TRCW)
Model for Guess (Tokyo)