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"The Destroyer"

Huntington Beach, California  - 282 lbs - 6'2"


PCW Debut:  September 21st, 2006 - "Back to School Bash"

PCW Results:

September 21st, 2006 - defeated Mike Angels & Antonio Scorpio - Triple Threat

March 8th, 2007 - defeated "Outlaw" Adam Knight - Winnipeg, Mb

September 27th, 2007 - defeated Kenny Omega - Winnipeg, Mb


Signature Moves: Kokina Clutch, Muscle Buster, STF


PCW Notes:

Drew sell out at LID Nightclub with AJ Styles

Tended bar for patrons following his match

Engaged in verbal dispute with PCW promoter following Omega match


Notable Distinctions:

ROH World Heavyweight Championship

ROH Pure Championship

NXT Heavyweight Championship (2X)

TNA World Heavyweight Championship

TNA World X Division Championship (5X)

TNA Tag Team Championship (2X) w/himself, w/Magnus




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